Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Spring is here in Texas!!

The bug hunting season is offically open!!!

Spring break in Houston actually came few weeks ago. We have been seeing mid 80s but occasionally temperature still drop back to mid 30s. Yesterday night we experienced temperature close to freezing due to wind chill! It was windy. But hopefully we do not have to see that again this month onwards.

We saw a huge ant model outside LOWES which indicates time to get your pesticide ready for those annoying fire ants as Spring is around the corner. grrrr.... they are everywhere i know!!

We also did the first bug hunting at night last Saturday. First in this year! My son and I decided to have it at Dustin's house in Brookshire. The weather was cool at night (60-70s) but surprisingly there were lot of beetles and moths.

Soon after we have the bug trap set up and white blacklight on, beetles and moths starting to pop up from nowhere. Plenty of June bugs flying and hitting us on its way to the light trap.

There was a huge moth called Five-spotted Hawk moth (Manduca quinquemaculata) hang on the white sheet about 30 minutes after the light is on (see pic) too.

We were planning to spend a night at Dustin's house but i was too tired that day due to the earlier rigorous badminton session so we left after taking some pics. I left the set up with Dustin as we plan to come back again probably in two weeks. Hopefully the weather will be much warmer by then. The best time for bug hunt is always when the night is hot with stagnant humid air, new moon (when moon is almost invisible) also gives added advantage as bugs are less attracted to moonlight. I am planning to bring more white blacklight and hopefully a mercury vapor light too.

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